
Combining parametric and nonparametric approaches for more efficient time series prediction

Sophie Dabo-Niang, Christian Francq and Jean-Michel Zakoïan
Keywords: ARMA representation, noisy data, Nonparametric regression, optimal prediction
Abstract: We introduce a two-step procedure for more efficient nonparametric prediction of a strictly stationary process admitting an ARMA representation. The procedure is based on the estimation of the ARMA representation, followed by a nonparametric regression where the ARMA residuals are used as explanatory variables. Compared to standard nonparametric regression methods, the number of explanatory variables can be reduced because our approach exploits the linear dependence of the process. We establish consistency and asymptotic normality results for our estimator. A Monte Carlo study and an empirical application on stock market indices suggest that significant gains can be achieved with our approach.
MPRA MPRA working paper
JASA Journal of the American Statistical Association , 105, 1554--1565, 2010.
R code used to obtain R Figures 3 and 4 , R Table 1 , R Table 2 , R Table 3 , R Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7 , R Figures 8, 9 and 10
Stock indices data sets used for the illustrations : zip file zip file of the series of the daily returns (obtained from yahoo).